
Title: 太陽光発電業界に関わる仕事と、エネルギー業界におけるアントレプレナーシップ / Behind the scenes of solar energy development, and entrepreneurship in Japanese energy market
Speaker: juwi自然電力オペレーション株式会社 代表取締役 磯野久美子 / Ms. Kumiko Isono, juwi Shizen Energy Operation Inc.
Time: June 12th 2015 (Friday) 12:50-13:50
Place: Room H201 (ICU University Hall, 2nd Floor)
Invitation flier (PDF)
Language: 日本語 (Japanese)
Sponsorship: ICU Peace Research Institute (PRI)


Title: 資源である木を活かすために
Speaker: 銘建工業株式会社 代表取締役 中島浩一郎
Time: June 9th 2015 (Tuesday) 14:00-15:00
Place: Room H 214 (ICU University Hall, 2nd Floor)
Invitation flier (PDF)
Presentation slides (PDF 13MB)
Presentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZwz3OrXKRY
Sponsorship: ICU Peace Research Institute (PRI)

Geothermal Energy and Distributed Heating – the Icelandic Experience

Title: Geothermal Energy and Distributed Heating – the Icelandic Experience
Speaker: Mr. Halldor Elis Olafsson, Trade Representative, Embassy of Iceland in Japan
Time: May 29th 2015 (Friday) 12:50-13:50
Place: Room H 201 (ICU University Hall, 2nd Floor)
Invitation flier (PDF)
Presentation slides (PDF, 14MB)
Presentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05KqflgELKc
The Resource Park video of HS Orka shown can be accessed here.
Sponsorship: ICU Peace Research Institute (PRI)

風力発電の技術と日本における動向 / Engineering and trend of wind energy in Japan

Title: Engineering and trend of wind energy in Japan / 風力発電の技術と日本における動向
Speaker: Dr. 吉岡剛/ Tsuyoshi Yoshioka (認定NPO法人環境エネルギー政策研究所 /Institute of Sustainable Energy Policy, ISEP)
Time: May 22nd 2015 (Friday) 12:50-13:50
Place: Room H 204 (ICU University Hall, 2nd Floor)
Language: Japanese / 日本語
Invitation flier (PDF)
Presentation slides (PDF, 39MB)
Presentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Dyc8t9KBYo
Sponsorship: ICU Peace Research Institute (PRI)


Title: キリスト教(徒)は原発とどのように向き合うのか~環境神学の思想と実践から~
Speakers: 木村 護郎 クリストフ 教授(上智大学) / Prof. Goro Christoph Kimura, Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan) and discussant Prof. Ryoichi Yamamoto, ICU & TCU & International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) Secretariat / 山本良一先生、ICU&国際グリーン購入ネットワーク(IGPN)事務局
Time: Friday, 08 May 2015, 15:10-18:00
Place: Rooms 203/204 (ICU Dialogue House, 2nd Floor)
Poster, Program (PDF)
Presentation slides by Prof. G. C. Kimura (PDF 0.8MB)
Presentation video of Prof. G. C. Kimura: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAlN7RKedPs
Presentation slides by discussant Prof. R. Yamamoto (PDF 1MB)
Presentation video of Prof. R. Yamamoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFUEwjaRTM8
Video of final panel discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h3IBIDv7R8
Planning: ICU Actions of Concerned Teachers (ACT) + Re3buildICU + Volunteer Students in 4YMemorial 3.11 Series
Sponsorship: ICU Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)


Title: あったかくしたかった!(中古住宅の断熱改修を自分達でしてみた。)
Speaker: 松留 菜津子さん / Ms. Natsuko Matsudome (architect)
Time: February 14th 2015 (Saturday) 11:00-12:00
Place: Rooms 203/204 (ICU Dialogue House, 2nd Floor)
Invitation flier (PDF)
Presentation slides (PDF 3MB, PPT 22MB)
Presentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5VbTFnDJOU
Related book (日本語)

Recent movements for geothermal development in Japan

Title: Recent movements for geothermal development in Japan
Speaker: 安川香澄先生 / Prof. Kasumi Yasukawa Ph.D.、(独)産業技術総合研究所 福島再生可能エネルギー研究所, 再生可能エネルギー研究センター, Principal Research Manager, Renewable Energy Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Time: February 13th 2015 (Friday) 12:50-13:50
Place: Room H362 (ICU University Hall, 3rd Floor)
Invitation flier (PDF)
Presentation slides (PDF, 5MB)
Presentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzmPhva_Nns

ネガワット建築で行こう! Let’s go for Nega-Watt architecture!

Title: ネガワット建築で行こう! Let’s go for Nega-Watt architecture!
Speaker: 森 みわ キーアーキテクツ主宰、東北芸術工科大学客員教授 / Miwa Mori, Director of KEY ARCHITECTS Ltd., Visiting Professor of Tohoku University of Art and Design
Time: January 30th 2015 (Friday) 12:50-13:50
Place: Room H362 (ICU University Hall, 3rd Floor)
Invitation flier (PDF)

Assessment System for Creating a Sustainable Campus

Title: Assessment System for Creating a Sustainable Campus
Speaker: Ass. Prof. Takao Ozasa/小篠 隆生先生, Laboratory of Urban Design, Division of Architectural Design, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Director of Office for a Sustainable Campus
Time: January 28th 2015 (Wednesday) 12:50-13:50
Place: Room H359 (ICU University Hall, 3rd Floor)
Invitation flier (PDF)
Presentation slides (PDF, 7MB)
Presentation video: http://youtu.be/miZ4iLjb8Qg